Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Grab Your Phone

Grab Your Phone...

 and follow the steps below to sign up for your GES First Grade messages.
Send a text to:         
(469) 518-2424
Enter this message:  @lairslair 

This is a unique class code that was created for our GES First Grade class.

I will use this service to send reminders to your phone......
Communication is key!

Introducing the "New" Teacher & Miscellaneous

I am so excited to be at Gilmer Elementary.  I am "home"!  I attended GISD from Kindergarten - 12th grade and only have fond memories of my time in Gilmer.

I hope to ignite a love for learning in my new classroom! 

I sent an INTRODUCTION letter home with your child December 20th, but below you will find some FUN FACTS about me.
~  I am married to Darin.
~  I have two sons:  Logan (age 12) and bonus-son, Jackson (age 12).
~  I am a graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University.
~  I love the colors red and hot pink.
~  I would eat brownies for every meal (if I could).
~  I love to read, and I love math.
~  I would love to live on a farm.
I can't wait to get into the classroom and make it "mine"!  I do plan to leave the classroom a lot like Ms. Wellborn had it, because I do not want to overwhelm the students with a whole new classroom and new teacher!  My goal is make the transition of teachers go as smoothly as possible.
I will be sending new folders home with your child the first week back at school.  They will have  a new folder they will bring home weekly.  This folder will contain their work for the week and any applicable notes/flyers/announcements/book order forms.  They will also be receiving a daily take-home folder which will contain their daily CHAMPS behavior log and reading log.  Please sign this folder daily.  Also, this is a great way to ensure I receive any notes you would like to be seen by me. I believe communication between the school and home is of utmost importance.   You can always contact me to discuss any concerns you have about your student. 
READING:  It is very important to read daily!  Please allow your child to read to you nightly.  It's also important for you to read to your child.  I know time is tight, but I do believe daily/nightly reading will be beneficial for the future success of your child.  A fun activity is allowing your child to read signs to you while traveling on the road.  Any practice your child can get will only benefit them.
I hope your Christmas was merry and bright! 
See you soon,
Mrs. Lair